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I use double leather in the manufacture of my leather goods, unless the buyer wants something different. Items end up with a thickness of about 14-16 ounces. Holsters are wet molded to fit the gun you are going to carry. They can be as plain or as fancy as you want, I don’t carve, but other than that offer your choice in design, color, concho’s, buckles, spots, etc. The belt and holsters will be designed using your input at to what you want. Since I don’t make belts and holsters ahead of time and try to steer you to buying one of them, you will be the designer. Contact me to discuss your needs, it’s free. I only do custom work and no cookie cutter belts and holsters. You will have input and final say on what you want.





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原裝進口美國禮來 犀利士 幫助男人有效治療陽痿問題,緩解不舉症狀、控制勃起能力等有良好作用,還你男人雄風,目前 犀利士犀利士是處方藥壯陽,線下需要持有醫師處方才能購買,線上可以免處方購買。