Winchester 1897 Butt Plate (New Reproduction)
This is a reproduction of the original Winchester butt plate. Made of black plastic, checkered, with Winchester logo in circle. Measurements are shown in pictures. New reproduction, screws not included. May require some fitting for things like screw hole location, arc not just right. This can be remedied by warming the butt plate and applying pressure to contour it to your stock.
5 in stock
This is a reproduction of the original Winchester butt plate. Made of black plastic, checkered, with Winchester logo in circle. Measurements are shown in pictures, approximately 5 1/8 x 1 5/8 iinches. New reproduction, screws not included. May require some fitting for things like screw hole location, arc not just right. This can be remedied by warming the butt plate and applying pressure to contour it to your stock.